Forty drivers were issued with a notice by police today for the way they had parked their vehicle.

Officers in Three Rivers patrolled roads around Whippendell Woods today after responding to complaints.

The force wrote on its Facebook page: "After we received numerous complaints from you (residents) around parking issues on Grove Mill Lane and Langleybury Lane, local officers today have been engaging with motorists parking on surrounding roads to use Whippendell Woods."

Three images were posted online which show several cars parked on grass verges, narrowing both pedestrian access, as well as the road itself, which has a speed limit of up to 60mph along some stretches.

Watford Observer:

Police said 40 notices were handed out, although it is not clear if these were just warnings or fixed penalty notices.

The force said: "40 police notices have been given to vehicles parked on grass verges or causing narrowing of Grove Mill Lane & Langleybury Lane.

"If you are having to drive in order to visit locations like Whippendell Woods to exercise, please remember that we are still in lockdown and unnecessary journeys could result in a Covid fine."

Watford Observer: