These stunning images captured the beauty and detail of the Worm Moon in our skies over the past few nights.

The full moon has been bigger and brighter in the night sky as it has been closer to the earth than usual.

The cloudy conditions meant many of us were unable to enjoy it at its peak on Sunday but, as these pictures demonstrate, it has still been possible to capture some stunning images since.

You can appreciate the detail in this image taken by Stephen Danzig

You can appreciate the detail in this image taken by Stephen Danzig

The third full moon of the year is traditionally known as the Worm Moon, although it has different names in different parts of the world.

Marek Wasalski captured this image of the moon

Marek Wasalski captured this image of the moon

It is also known as Sugar Moon, the Sap Moon, the Paschal Moon or the Caste Moon.

The moons craters are clearly visible in Steve Anthonys cropped image

The moon's craters are clearly visible in Steve Anthony's cropped image

Some may know it as the Lenten Moon because it shows up during Lent.

The Worm Moon is dubbed "the true sign of spring" as worms pop up in the soil around this time.