I continue to be astounded at the lack of regard that our health bosses have for the residents and patients of West Hertfordshire.

Their latest plan is to send us trotting to three different hospital sites depending on which part of our anatomy they wish to deal with. They also plan to imprison us as in-patients, in high rise buildings at Watford, totally removed from nature and terrified of being trapped in a towering inferno. Do they not know that we are human beings who need to be able to access healthcare conveniently in therapeutic surroundings?

For goodness sake health bosses, have some compassion and good sense.

We need a completely new, patient centred hospital on a more centrally located site. There should be close and easy access to landscaping and atriums where patients, visitors and staff can benefit from a therapeutic environment.

With best wishes for a much improved future for the patients of West Herts.

From a registered nurse, fellow patient and resident.

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