Now I understand why West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust insist on our acute health care services being located on the inappropriate, congested and hugely difficult to access Vicarage Road site, immediately next door to Watford’s Premier League football stadium.

I am suddenly enlightened by advice given in reply to a letter in a well-known consumers’ advice magazine “Will my pension pot create a huge tax bill?”

The Money Helpline adviser explained that if a pension exceeds the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) some hefty extra tax charges apply. However, he advises, most people do not need to concern themselves with this, as the limit is the very high figure of more than a million pounds (£1,073,100) and can only affect those who have been able to build up a large pension pot, such as many senior people in the NHS.

Aha! So, is this why our hospital bosses do not want to upset the status quo?

Not only are their salaries more than the Prime Minister’s, their pension pots are well over a million!

They are sitting very comfortably at the tax payer’s expense and it appears they will not move to provide the good acute healthcare services we, in West Hertfordshire, so desperately need.

It appears that our failing West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust who only achieve “inadequate” or “requires improvement” overall CQC ratings, will not budge to properly improve the provision of the acute healthcare needs, of the tax payer who funds them.

Instead, they push ahead with their dreadful plans to hospitalise us in horrendous tower blocks, totally separated from nature and the outside world, when we are at our most vulnerable. Indeed, they have even obtained outline planning permission for this atrocious excuse for a hospital, on a much too small plot of land, immediately next door to the Premier League football stadium.

I do hope that Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group (HVCCG), who are responsible for commissioning “good” acute healthcare in West Hertfordshire, will act as the independent commissioners that they are supposed to be and not act as a “poodle” to the self-serving and immovable West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust. I hope and expect that HVCCG will conscientiously carry out their duties to commission “good” acute healthcare for the people of West Hertfordshire.

Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group, I suggest that you not be party to this immovable Trust’s ludicrous plans. Please use the Government’s £590 million to do what is clearly right, as your colleagues in West Essex have done. Please plan and commission a completely new acute hospital on a central site, conveniently accessible to all the patients, residents and tax payers of West Hertfordshire.

From a very concerned resident of West Hertfordshire.

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