We have all seen the horrifying TV pictures from Kabul recently, and are aware of what is happening and going to happen shortly throughout Afghanistan. No doubt we also have criticisms to make regarding the actions, and inactions, of various governments and civil servants, and then feel despair that there is nothing we personally can do about it.

But there is one thing that we all can do, at least for the Afghan refugees who mange to escape to the UK. Those poor people who are arriving here have nothing but the clothes they are standing in and that is where we all can help. We can look into our wardrobes and sort out what no longer fits us, or some clothing which we never wear now and quickly send it to help those in need. We need to do that now, not next week. Time is of the essence.

It is not relevant what religion we follow, or even if we are atheist, these are people who are in need and who need our help now. So please look into your wardrobe today.

In our area we know of two organisations that are accepting clothing and children’s toys for Afghan refugees and there will certainly be some in your your own area also.

Ken Shuttleworth

Reynards Way, Bricket Wood