On Saturday (Saturday 11) it was announced unofficially that the Government would be backing down from the proposed planning reforms that were to be “the biggest shake up of the planning system since World War Two”.

Thankfully the Lib Dem win in the Chesham and Amersham by-election, our own local campaign and those from all political parties have put the wind up the enough Tories to believe that they would lose seats if they steamed ahead.

It seems ‘mandatory’ targets will be dropped, though what this actually means in reality is not explained. Zoning proposals are to be scrapped. These would have given planning permission “in principle “ thus denying the public the right to object. So far so good? But the explanations given for the U-turn do not reassure me of any real change.

It was said that under the CURRENT regime house building has already increased significantly (no surprise to Watford residents!) So no need to apply the final thumb screws!

But there is no evidence that the changes brought in since 2015, are in any way being watered down.

Since then our housing targets have been tripled. A housing delivery test has been introduced with our council, along with others, named and shamed for not building enough homes and some of our power to refuse development has already been taken away .

So the current system IS delivering in raw numbers. But it is precisely that CURRENT system that has led to the public backlash about excessive development in our town and elsewhere.

So whilst it would be churlish not to say this is not a step in the right direction, I am not convinced the pressure is off yet because in the meantime nothing changes. The rules are still the same, the pressures is still on officers and councillors to deliver housing and powers to refuse planning permission are still limited.

The problem with announcing such radical and unpopular reforms so loudly then retreating is that we end up grateful for the status quo. Yet it’s the status quo that has got us where we are now and there’s no sign of that changing YET. Henry the Eighth style, we were threatened with being hung, drawn and quartered now to be told we are only being beheaded!

Baroness Dorothy Thornhill MBE

House of Lords