Police seized an e-scooter after the rider was caught using it illegally twice.

Officers in Watford are clamping down on the illegal use of e-scooters and over the last few weeks have been trying to educate the public about the laws around them.

But whilst out on patrol earlier in September, officers spotted someone breaking the current laws around e-scooters.

Officers used it as an opprounity to educate the rider on their mistake and gave them a leaflet in the hope that they would not break the rules again.

But a few days later the rider was caught doing the same thing again.

“Therefore, due to ignoring police guidance, the scooter was seized under current legislation,” Watford Police said on Facebook.

E-scooters have increased in popularity in recent years but are currently only legal to ride on private land with the landowner’s permission, or as part of a government trial.

Riding an e-scooter in public when it is not part of an authorised trial is against the law and can result in penalty points, a fine and the vehicle being seized.

Watford Police said on their Facebook page: “We have been hitting the schools as the new term starts, trying to educate parents and students, and teachers about the laws about E-scooters, ensuring people know the appropriate way to use them, and where and where not they are allowed.”

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