After yet another brutal, torrid and disastrous week for Prime Minister Johnson, he now finds himself in another “dead in a ditch” situation. All because the Prime Minister had the impression he was hosting a work event in the garden of 10 Downing Street on 20 May 20, 2020.

However, when the Prime Minister started to get involved and mingle with his guests in the garden, it was not until then that he realised a drinks party was in progress instead of a work event. It was incredibly foolish for the Prime Minister to allow a drinks party when they were banned for the rest of us.

When he was found out, it was even worse for the Prime Minister to then lie about it.

Not many Tories are carefree and cheerful right now. For a sizeable number of them get the impression that the Prime Minister is propping up the bar in the Last Chance Saloon. Widely regarded as a serial liar, this is the sort of jibe that now befits this Prime Minister. When a politician is the butt of such contemptuous humour the end of the road is normally in view, and there is no way back.

The Tory party now has a situation offering a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives, is the Prime Minister electable or not? So is it time for backbench Tory MPs to send letters to Sir Graham Brady’s backbench 1922 Committee, which will then trigger a vote of confidence or no confidence in Prime Minister Johnson?

Ernie MacKenzie

Gammons Lane, Watford