Police have released several images of stolen jewellery as part of their investigation into a burglary in Bushey.

Between 12pm on Saturday December 4 and 12pm on December 5, a residential property on Kimble Crescent was broken into.

A rear window was smashed and the property was searched. Several items of jewellery, which have sentimental value to the family, were taken.

PC Saskia Wilkes, who is investigating, said: "I’d like to hear from anyone who witnessed this incident or has information about it which could assist our enquiries.

"Did you see or hear anything suspicious in the area between the times stated?

"Some of the items taken are distinctive and I would like anyone who has seen them, or perhaps been offered them for sale, to get in touch."

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Anyone with information is asked to email saskia.wilkes@herts.police.uk, report online at herts.police.uk/report or call 101, quoting crime reference 41/95922/21.

Or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via crimestoppers-uk.org.