After reading a report in the Watford Observer regarding MP Mr Dean Russell’s response to the Sue Gray report over “Partygate” at the Prime Minister’s residence, I was left amazed and astonished that Mr Russell is non-committal to Ms Gray’s observations in her report, where she tells Parliament of “failures of leadership” at 10 Downing Street.

Even in the face of fierce intense criticism of the Prime Minister from backbench Tory MPs (and colleagues of Mr Russell) I am utterly displeased that our MP decides to ignore Sue Gray’s observations in her report of unacceptable goings-on at the Prime Minister’s residence.

In recent weeks, the Prime Minister has been very fond of introducing children’s fictional characters like Peppa Pig and Dastardly and Muttley in talks to audiences. So, using another children’s fictional character, can I remind Mr Russell of that archetypal figure Humpty Dumpty, forever debating on which side of the wall it would be the better to fall off if indeed push came to shove.

So before push does come to shove, why doesn’t Mr Russell make his mind up, put his constituents’ interests first and tell us he either does or does not accept as true Sue Gray’s observations in her report and whether he backs the Prime Minister or not?

Ernie MacKenzie

Gammons Lane, Watford