A Watford primary school was again rated ‘inadequate’ after Ofsted inspectors said standards for improvement have not been met.

Stanborough Primary School was assessed in March 2019, but despite two follow-ups in September 2019 and February this year the rating remained unchanged.

Teaching at the Appletree Walk school was deemed "not good enough" as pupils were not given “sufficient” opportunities to extend their knowledge outside of English and maths.

Behavioural issues such as “low-level disruption” were also noted in some classes.

The September review found there was “significant progress” in children behaving, but it was noted the curriculum remained “underdeveloped”.

Following the most recent progress report, the curriculum was improving but certain subjects – art, computing, design technology, language and physical education – required improvement.

Tiann Madden, who took over as headteacher in September 2019 after the first inadequate inspection, explained the school has been “busy overhauling” the curriculum.

She said: “Unfortunately, the demands of managing the Covid-19 pandemic limited our capacity to focus on and move forward with our planned curriculum changes.

“Our priorities throughout the pandemic were our pupils’ and families' mental health and well-being.”

Watford Observer: The pandemic stalled curriculum improvements, stated Ofsted and the headteacher. Credit: PA The pandemic stalled curriculum improvements, stated Ofsted and the headteacher. Credit: PA

The report also acknowledged that Covid had stalled improvement plans.

She added parents have been “exceptionally proud” of the curriculum and support during remote-learning periods.

Mrs Madden continued: “Senior Leaders and staff remain committed and have a relentless passion for ensuring that we meet all standards and work towards restoring a judgement of 'good' or better at the next full inspection.”