Dreaming about the day you wake up and find out you have hit the big lottery jackpot? Us too. Many people automatically think about all the extravagant purchases they would make if they won including a holiday across the world, a brand-new sports car etc.

But we know that those who have been lucky enough to actually hit the jackpot don’t only reach for the shiny object but also use their winnings to give back to those in need.

Charitable stories

Listed below are our five best stories of ways in which winners have donated their lottery winnings:

1. Frances & Patrick Connolly

Wife and husband Frances and Patrick won £114.9 million on the lottery in 2019. However, this pair’s first thought wasn’t to celebrate their winnings by treating themselves to a holiday away or a brand-new car.

Instead, they explained how they had celebrated with a hug and a cup of tea and vowed they would not become part of the ‘jet-set’.

The first thing they did after winning the EuroMillions jackpot was created a list of 50 different friends and family members that they wanted to help with their new-found wealth.

If that wasn’t charitable enough, the couple also set up two charities as well as helping some of the most vulnerable and in-need people in their area.

The couple stated, “I’ve had more joy from changing lives than buying jewellery” after giving away half of their winnings. Doesn’t that just melt your heart!

2. Tom Christ

A Canadian man who won a 40 million Canadian dollar lottery prize donated all his winnings away to charity.

Tom Christ explained that the money would be donated to charities that he supported over the years after winning the lottery through a family foundation.

Mr Christ stated that he decided to donate all his winnings in memory of his wife, who died of cancer. Definitely a heart-felt story indeed.

3. Barbra and Ray Wragg

Britain’s most charitable lottery winner, Babara Wragg, was paid tribute after she passed away in 2000 after it was revealed she donated £5.5million of her £7.6 million fortune to charity.

She and her Husband Ray gave away around 70% of their fortune in total to 17 separate charities including a number of hospitals in their hometown of Sheffield.

The couple did treat themselves to a couple of luxuries including a Range Rover and quickly moved out of their £10,000 council house which they sold for a steal to a young couple to afford a home of their own. They also went on their very first holiday abroad.

Husband Ray beautifully said his wife “had left behind a wonderful legacy of kindness and love.” I think we all agree with Ray!

4. Anonymous church goer

A New York State $3million scratch ticket winner anonymously donated his whole winnings to his church.

The money was set to be gifted to the True North Community Church of Port Jefferson over the course of 20 years meaning the church would receive $102,000 per year!

And the story gets even better! The church’s pastor, Bertrand Crabbe, decided that a chunk donated to Love 146 which is an organisation that fights and creates awareness around human trafficking.

 5. PowerBall winner

The 2018 $350 million American Powerball winner who was revealed on the Ellen DeGeneres Show formed her own charity foundation dedicated to her grandson who passed away at only 1 day old.

She donated a whopping half a million dollars to the Travis Mill Foundation, a rehabilitation centre that supports veterans and their families.

Win-Win Charity Lotto

The question is…if you won the lottery would you give any lottery winnings to charity?

Well, if you would like to but think you wouldn’t know how to or which charities to choose to donate to – you can bet on a Charity Lotto at Lottoland with the Win-Win Charity Lotto. This is a lotto betting game for UK players that donate 20p of every £1 bet you place to Lottoland’s awesome charities!

Not only is this Lotto charitable, but it is also fun and easy to bet on too!

Just select five numbers from the main pool of 1-49 and a bonus number from a further pool of 1-10. To win, simply match all five numbers and the bonus ball. It costs just £1 per line bet and you could win up to £250,000 every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Why should I bet on the Win-Win Charity Lotto at Lottoland?

Lottoland will donate 20% of the total amount agreed by a UK registered player in relation to Win-Win Charity Lotto to the charities registered in England & Wale Hospice UK, Blue Cross for pets and PWSA in equal shares.

For example, in the case of a £1 bet placed by a UK registered individual on Win-Win Charity Lotto, 20p will be donated by Lottoland to the above named and divided between them in equal shares.

Become the next charitable lottery winner

So, if you want to become the next lottery winner but also want to give to charity – Win-Win Charity Lotto is the one for you!

So, now that we are fully aware on how to bet on the Win-Win Charity lotto, good luck - who knows, we might be writing about you next time…