Across Watford and the world, the month of Ramadan will be starting. It is a time when Muslims will be fasting during the day, where no food, water or other sustenance is consumed. Not only is it a spiritual event, it’s an opportunity to think about those who are less fortunate than yourself. It coincides with Lent this year.

During lockdown, traditional Iftar parties, where friends and families gather to open their fasts did not take place. For the first in my lifetime, I could not see my wider family during Ramadan. Thousands in Watford were in a similar situation, but we all understood why.

Twenty people already having been fined for breaking the law and partying away in Downing Street during lockdown reminds us all of what the rest of us were doing - obeying the rules. We were not allowed to attend funerals, visit the sick in hospital, comfort our loved ones in care homes, go to the pub, the football, places of worship, the theatre or have people round.

Watford Observer:

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said there were no parties at Downing Street. This was not true. He knew that because he managed to attend several. He refuses to take responsibility for the goings-on within Downing Street. An utter failure of leadership.

Here in Watford, the Mayor demonstrates a similar trait, he too does not take responsibility. Over the years more and more, higher and higher high-rise buildings have shot up all over the town. These ‘Taylor’s Towers’ didn’t just happen, the Liberal Democrats allowed them to happen.

It’s clear nothing is going to change apart from the buildings are going to get taller unless there is a new Mayor at the Town Hall.

  • Cllr Asif Khan is chairman of Watford Labour Party