It must have been a horrific experience for the poor woman who was hit by two youths on a bike in Cassiobury Park.

We are told she was out running when a bike travelling downhill sped into the back of her, leaving her with a broken foot and bruising.

Read more: Park runner suffers broken foot after being wiped out by teens on bike

It has reignited concerns from a number of our readers about whether pedestrians and cyclists can enjoy the park safely together.

We are not aware of anyone who thinks bikes should be banned - and at a time when sustainable modes of transport are meant to be encouraged, that would make little sense.

Of course, in this instance, two teenagers were irresponsibly riding together on the same bike, but a pedestrian was seriously injured and her husband believes it could have been much worse for someone more vulnerable.

By coincidence, Watford Borough Council had just days previously announced its new ‘Considerate Cycling’ scheme which aims to educate and improve users’ activity on a bike.

Read more: Free cycle training and bike repairs to support 'Considerate Cycling' in Cassiobury Park

You have to wonder whether that initiative will reach those who are putting others at risk.

As is noted in the story, you can't legislate for idiots - but you can try to make things safer for those prepared to obey the rules.

Along this downhill stretch where the collision occurred, there is no segregated cycle lane like in other parts of the park, so perhaps segregation or further warning signage should be installed, so at the very least it looks like these concerns are being addressed.