Further to a letter published last week in regards to allotment provision and investment from Watford Borough Council.

Watford is proud of its allotment provision in the borough and out of all the councils in Hertfordshire maintains more allotments per capita than any other council. We very much value the importance of allotments in regards to sustainability, biodiversity, and physical and mental well-being benefit to those with plots – I have been an allotment holder for the best part of 10 years.

In 2013/14 Watford Council invested £800K in upgrading its 11 allotment sites, and an additional £745K was spent at this time in regards to reprovision of Farm Terrace allotments to Paddock Rd. A couple of years ago we appointed a part-time allotment officer specifically to focus on allotments.

Over the pandemic period, and this might be linked with the desire for getting fresh air, exercise and home grown produce, the waiting list for an allotment has increased, and as such there is £50K in this year’s budget for a feasibility study to look at increasing allotment sites in Watford, and then set-aside in the following two years are the separate amounts of £250K to increase allotments. It was pleasing that at this time last year an extra 20 plots were created at Callowland.

In nearby Labour-run Harrow, the waiting list for an allotment last year stood at 2,478 with no plans, as far as I’m aware, to increase allotment provision, but here in Watford the waiting list is a fraction of this at 225 and we will be creating new allotments.

It is interesting to note that there are now more people with allotments in Watford than had plots when Farm Terrace site was in operation, that Cllr Sara Jane Trebar refers to. It was after much consideration, and with a heavy heart, that the decision to include the Farm Terrace site within the plans for future investment of Watford General was made. However, Watford requires first class hospital provision now and for the future. The fact that a new hospital car park is being built on the site, freeing up the existing car park as the site for new healthcare facilities, shows why the decision was necessary.

Watford Labour has shown much ambiguity towards supporting Watford with having a hospital, and from Cllr Sara Jane Trebar’s letter, it might be seen, again, had they been in power at the Town Hall they would have blocked the way to having first class hospital provision in Watford.

Cllr Tim Williams

Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Service,

Watford Borough Council