I’ve only recently discovered that its legal for employers to keep some or all of the tips given by customers to staff provided they are not used to top up the national minimum wage. I think this is disgraceful because most of us who tip are unaware of this practice and think we are rewarding staff for good service.

The Government promised laws as far back as 2016 to make it illegal for employers to withhold tips and in 2021 Watford MP Dean Russell introduced a “Tips Bill” in Parliament but this has now been dropped because of “growing cost pressures on business”. This is more important apparently than trying to help workers who in the main are poorly paid. I think your readers will be interested in Mr Russell’s reaction to his Bill being dropped.

I’ve spoken to local cafe and restaurant workers and their unanimous view is that the practise of withholding tips is widespread and that if customers really want to reward staff the GOLDEN RULE is to always tip in cash. I shall do so from now on.

Philip Parry

SW Herts Labour Party