Have you been turned down for a job because it’s cheaper for the employer to hire someone under 25? Here’s some advice from Citizens Advice Watford about being discriminated against when job hunting.

Nobody should ask how old you are in a job interview. Being 25, you’re entitled to the National Living Wage. On our website there are details of wages you’re entitled to by law. These rules shouldn’t mean employers avoid hiring people because of their age. That’s known as ‘direct age discrimination’ in the Equality Act 2010. You’re also protected by the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, which says employers can’t not hire you because your age means you’re entitled to a higher rate.

There’s a lot of information on our website about what to do if you’re discriminated against when applying for a job, including steps you can take to get compensation or convince the person to give you a job.

Make a note of what happened as soon as possible - noting down exactly what you were asked and any other remarks made. This is important evidence.

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Next, write a letter of complaint. Remember to keep a copy. There’s advice on our website on what to include and our team can help you write it. If you don’t get an outcome you’re happy with, you could go to an employment tribunal. You’ll need as much evidence of discrimination as possible. Evidence should include the job advert, the job description, your notes about what was said at the interview and any contact you’ve had with the employer since - like your complaint letter.

You only have three months minus one day from the date of the ‘discriminatory act’ (the comments in your interview) to start tribunal proceedings. You do this by contacting the government organisation Acas and telling them you intend to bring a claim.

For more advice, visit citizensadvice.org.uk/work or call Citizens Advice Watford on 0800 144 8848.