Pupils at a secondary school have been sent home early today following a chemical leak.

The Grange Academy in Bushey says firefighters “required” all staff and students to leave as a “precautionary measure”.

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service has confirmed it was called at 8.30am (October 4) and crews in hazmat suits found a container in a science laboratory leaking nitric acid, which was affecting other chemicals in the store.

The lab was evacuated before a decision was made between the school and fire service to clear the whole school. 

Firefighters were able to contain the leak and clear the spillage and left the scene at 12.30pm.

Fire engines from Watford and Garston attended along with a specialist chemical decontamination unit from Hemel Hempstead fire station. 

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Hundreds of pupils were seen streaming out of the school from around 10.15am. A member of the public passing the London Road school also told the Watford Observer that they saw tape across the entrance to the school.

A message sent to parents and teachers this morning by the school read: “Due to a minor hazard being identified in the science department, we are required by the fire brigade to send all students and staff home as a precautionary measure for today.

“Students can be collected from outside of the school gates from 10.15am.”

Future Academies, which runs The Grange Academy, has been approached for comment.

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