Plans to expand a waste site by building a shredding facility on the site of a coachyard will be decided next week.

The development at Brookdell Yard would be an extension of the existing Waterdale recycling and waste centre on the A405 between Garston and Bricket Wood.

Hertfordshire County Council agreed to buy the yard in 2021 for £4.5 million and plan to introduce a £1.5 million shredding building to process bulky waste collected from at least five Hertfordshire districts.

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The existing coach depot and buildings would be demolished and the site would be in operation every day of the week.

The application will be considered by the county council’s development management control committee on November 15.

Watford Observer: The Waterdale site is situated on the A405The Waterdale site is situated on the A405

The proposal has been out for consultation and generated 42 objections.

The Bucknalls Lane Residents Group told the Watford Observer in the summer about its opposition to the scheme and some believe the whole Waterdale site should be relocated to a more “suitable” site.

Read more: Neighbours suffering 'rotting smell' fighting plans at waste site

They believe a facility of this type is “inappropriate” for the area and rather than expand existing facilities, they want to see the council resolve some of the existing problems.

This includes complaints about smell coming from the existing next door waste transfer station, which some residents said makes them feel "reluctant” to have visitors to their homes.

Watford Observer:  There are complaints about smells and noise coming from the Waterdale site There are complaints about smells and noise coming from the Waterdale site (Image: Newsquest)

The council says it has improvements planned for the transfer station including odour suppression systems and new doors, which it says will help solve smell, noise, and traffic issues.

Consultee Three Rivers District Council believes very special circumstances apply to allow this development, which is within the green belt. A council officer also found nearby residents would not be “unacceptably affected” by the shredding facility.

Watford Observer: The red line is Bucknalls Lane. The red square is the waste transfer station at Waterdale and the black square is the yard the council has bought to build a shredding facility in.The red line is Bucknalls Lane. The red square is the waste transfer station at Waterdale and the black square is the yard the council has bought to build a shredding facility in. (Image: Google Maps)

The county council says there are no alterative sites for a shredding facility and is recommending its committee of councillors grant planning permission.

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