Valentine's Day may be over for another year but there are signs of love around us every day as the pictures on pages illustrate.

‘Love’ is the current challenge for our camera club members and the natural world continues to be a popular subject along with some artistic representations of the theme.

Enjoy this week's selection of pictures by scrolling down this page

The Watford Observer Camera Club is a Facebook-based group.

It is open to all photographers, from those who snap pictures on their phones to professionals who capture perfect shots with specialist equipment.

Every four weeks, members of the camera club are set a new challenge, a theme is selected and then the work starts for our talented photographers.

Search for Watford Observer Camera Club on Facebook. Ask to join the group and we’ll accept you.

This week’s selection of pictures were taken by:

Luke Allen

Watford Observer: Image: Luke Allen

Stuart Bates

Watford Observer: Image: Stuart Bates

Sarah Clarke

Watford Observer: 'Love Watford intu.''Love Watford intu.'

Stephen Danzig

Watford Observer: 'Love the River Gade weir at Bywater.''Love the River Gade weir at Bywater.'

Jo Kedgley

Watford Observer: 'Street wall art NYC.''Street wall art NYC.'

Lauren Meehan

Watford Observer: 'Feel the love.''Feel the love.'

Jill Rutland

Watford Observer: Image: Jill Rutland

Robert Stapleton

Watford Observer: 'Looking for someone to love him.''Looking for someone to love him.'

Rebecca Yu

Watford Observer: 'Look of love.''Look of love.'