The Watford Observer Camera Club is fortunate to have some very talented amateur and professional photographers and our latest theme is already showcasing just how talented they are.

'Light and dark' is the latest challenge they have been set and you can a selection of the stunning images they have captured so far by scrolling down this page.

The Watford Observer Camera Club is a Facebook-based group.

It is open to all photographers, from those who snap pictures on their phones to professionals who capture perfect shots with specialist equipment.

Every four weeks, members of the camera club are set a new challenge, a theme is selected and then the work starts for our talented photographers.

Search for Watford Observer Camera Club on Facebook. Ask to join the group and we’ll accept you.

This week’s selection of pictures were taken by:

Barbara Ann

Watford Observer: Image: Barbara Ann

Steve Anthony

Watford Observer: Image: Steve Anthony

Sarah Clarke

Watford Observer: Image: Sarah Clarke

Clare Holland

Watford Observer: Image: Clare Holland

Mary Poulton

Watford Observer: Image: Mary Poulton

Jill Rutland

Watford Observer: Image: Jill Rutland

Claire Tessier

Watford Observer: Image: Claire Tessier

Deborah Young

Watford Observer: Image: Deborah Young

Rebecca Yu

Watford Observer: Image: Rebecca Yu