It is frustrating when transport does not run to schedule but our latest picture from the Watford Museum archive recalls a coach that did depart at its advertised time.

The museum’s volunteer archivist Christine Orchard said: “A journey to London by road in a coach often meant an early start. As Watford is relatively close to London it was a more reasonable departure time of 8.45am.

“This coach is the famous Tantivy which usually departed from the Rose & Crown in the Market Place (today this is the corner of Market Street). The photo shows this departure with very little traffic in the Market Place and few people around.

Watford Observer: The timetable for the Tantivy in the Watford Observer on May 4, 1878The timetable for the Tantivy in the Watford Observer on May 4, 1878 (Image: Watford Museum)

“It seems from the caption that the coach left on time at 8.45 as was advertised in the Watford Observer. Unfortunately, the image isn't dated but by the buildings on the left, it will be no later than 1887.”

Watford Museum is open Thursday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm.