An NHS worker from Watford was invited to a surprise tea party organised by members of the royal family to celebrate the 75th birthday of the NHS.

Joe Barron, deputy head of Emergency Planning, Resilience and Response at West Herts NHS Trust, was welcomed by Prince William and Kate, as part of NHS Charities Togethers' celebrations of the health service turning 75.

Watford Observer:

Joe was nominated to attend as he helped establish the emergency planning response during the pandemic, including the first Covid ward and PPE supplies, as well as working every day for six months.

Joe said: “I was very surprised and had to do a double take, I saw Kate first with the cake then was lucky enough to speak to William for a few minutes about the work I have done.

“I told him about the work across my department and our organisation."

NHS workers and volunteers from across the country were invited to the celebration, which included tea and cake as well as the royals debating the question: which goes first, the cream or jam on a scone.