A Borehamwood care home brought the beach to residents and staff for a day.

The Mead treated its residents to a seaside-themed event to celebrate the summer on Saturday, August 12.

The day included a barbeque, games and a disco, despite the changeable weather throughout the day.

Watford Observer:

Events coordinator Chelsea said: “Every year the residents look forward to this event, they dress up in their summer best and enjoy cocktails with their families and friends, food from the BBQ and a good old sing along.”

It was held in the care home’s garden, with a raffle including prizes donated by local businesses as well as friends and family.

Families of people living in the care home were welcome to join with live music available from a local musician.

Chelsea added: “It was a brilliant event and we want to give a huge shout out to the amazing Borehamwood community for all their help and support in making it happen”.