Hi there, we’re Darth and Vader, a pair of male gerbils who are looking for a new home together.

We’re among the National Animal Welfare Trust’s longest staying residents as we were brought in last November when our owner’s circumstances changed. Although our gerbil friends have found homes, we keep being overlooked. We can’t understand why as everyone tells us we’re very cute!

We’re typical gerbils in that we love to dig tunnels and chew up as much as we can. We aren't too used to being handled but with some patience and kind practice we’re sure we could get used to it.

Watford Observer: DarthDarth

As we’re big diggers, we’ll need a nice, deep cage so that we can have lots of substrate to dig in. Ideally, it’s best to give us a mix of substrates so we benefit from the advantages of each type. For example, wood shavings and shredded paper for tunnels that don’t collapse, hay for grinding our teeth down and straw which makes comfy bedding for nesting.

Watford Observer: VaderVader

We gerbils make great pets as we’re up and about during the day and are very sociable. Our lifespan is generally three to four years on average but can be longer.

If you’re looking for a couple of cheeky friends, then apply for us today so we can find our new home at last. Email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2) to arrange to meet us.