A man has been charged with a string of offences including blackmail and false imprisonment.

In court documents released this week, it was revealed that Loic Mbochi of High Street, Rickmansworth, will appear at Wood Green Crown Court on March 11, 2024.

It has been alleged that between January 9 and 10, the 30-year-old (who was 29 at the time) possessed a gun with intent to cause fear of violence in Hackney, London.

During the same timeframe, it is alleged he kidnapped someone “by force or fraud” and assaulted the same person causing actual bodily harm.

He was also charged with false imprisonment after allegedly injuring and imprisoning the victim.

Mbochi is also accused of possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence as well as blackmail on January 10.

It is alleged that he demanded £10,000 from the victim via them and their family.

Mbochi was arrested on September 2 for allegedly breaking a bail condition of sticking to a 9pm to 6am curfew.

He has been released on bail until his crown court appearance.