Hertfordshire will need thousands more homes dedicated to the care of older people within 20 years, councillors have been told.

Estimates based on the county’s existing population suggest there will be 55,000 more over-75s living in the county by 2042 than in 2022.

Councillors were told that will affect the types of housing that will be required.

There will be a need for 8,000 additional retirement or sheltered living units in the county, according to the estimates, as well as 8,000 more ‘extra care’ housing units, and 3,500 more nursing care bedspaces.

The data is based on modelling that has been carried out on behalf of the county council’s adult care services.

It was reported to a meeting of the council’s sustainable economic growth cabinet panel on Monday (September 11).

The modelling work – which will be updated by the council in line with new evidence or population data – is designed to align adult care service needs with the planning system.

At the meeting councillors were told that it could ultimately be used by planning authorities to directly impact on the delivery of housing for older people – by making provision for older people a requirement.

According to the written report presented to the panel, developers have tended to focus on the "higher" end of the market.

But, it says, the "robust" evidence in the modelling could be used to identify policy requirements that could force market housing developers to deliver affordable older people’s housing.

This would work in much the same way as requiring affordable housing when schemes come forward, the report adds.