Hello there, my name’s Louis, and I’m a six-year-old French Bulldog who’s looking for a new home. I came into the National Animal Welfare Trust in July as a stray, so the team don't know a lot about me. But in the time I’ve been here, I’ve shown them I’m a very loving, sweet boy who likes a routine.

Jackie, the manager, says I’m “amazing”. I’m a friendly lad who loves to say hello to people I see out and about. When I get overwhelmed I sometimes tug on my lead, so I’m walked on a chain lead so I don't chew through a material one.

I can be bouncy so need lots of reward-based training in loose lead walking and keeping all four paws on the floor.

Watford Observer: Louis

I can live with teenagers who are big enough not to be knocked over by me jumping up and will help with my training. They wouldn't be able to walk me themselves because I sometimes bite, grab or shake the lead ('lead ragging'), but we’d have great fun playing together. I’m unable to live with another dog as I don't like it when they invade my space and can't live with cats as I’m much too interested in them.

Watford Observer: Louis

I’m not used to being left on my own so I’ll need someone around for most of the time who’ll help me settle and teach me how to cope with being alone.

If you’re looking for a bundle of fun like me, then apply for me today! Email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2) to meet me.