Hello, my name’s Coco and I’m a one-year-old girl who’s has had a tough time recently. I came into the National Animal Welfare Trust a month ago as I wasn't getting on with an existing cat in my home.

I’ve been very scared while I’ve been here but I am slowly learning to trust people and enjoy being around them. I’ve been asking for head rubs and strokes every now and then so I am getting there!

The team here say I’d suit someone looking to bond with a cat and be best friends as once I know you I’m very friendly - just shy.

Watford Observer: Coco

I can only live with adults and older teenagers as they’ll be able to read my body language and also remain quiet and calm around me. I wouldn’t cope in a busy household, so a nice, quiet home where I can begin to come out of my shell would be perfect. I can't live with any other cats or any dogs, as they would frighten me.

Watford Observer: Coco

I will need access to the outdoors when I have settled in and become more confident. Quiet roads would be best for me, as loud ones would scare me a lot!

If you have space in your heart and home for a scared little girl with a lot of love to give, apply for me today! Email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 to arrange to meet.