Pupils at a Watford primary school have been among those to experience what a proposed new cycle route in the town could look like – and you can now get a flavour of it as well.

The planned Green Loop cycle route has been unveiled through a virtual reality (VR) bike ride, which is now available for people to watch on their own devices.

Watford Borough Council, in collaboration with Hertfordshire County Council and VR company Digital Urban, brought the Green Loop to life in VR detail at Cherry Tree Primary School, the Big Sports event in the town and Oxhey Activity Park over three days earlier this month.

The council said 150 people ‘rode’ the route at Big Sports, another 60 did so at the activity park, while approximately 60 pupils from the Berry Avenue school also took part in a special event designed just for them.

The feedback to the innovative consultation was described as “overwhelmingly positive” by the council, with the Green Loop proposals also “well received”.

Watford Observer: More than 250 people experienced the proposed Green LoopMore than 250 people experienced the proposed Green Loop (Image: Watford Borough Council)

Watford mayor Peter Taylor said: “Lots of us want to make it easier for people to cycle around the town and it is really important that we get people’s feedback on ways we can do this.

“The Green Loop VR experience brought the community together in an innovative and immersive way, showcasing the exciting future of Watford's cycling infrastructure.

“It's more than just a project; it's a vision for a sustainable, active, and connected town.”

The improvements are due to take place as part of the council’s commitment to promoting sustainable transport and will make it easier for cyclists and pedestrians to get around the town using a cohesive network.

The whole loop includes key locations such as Watford Junction, Cassiobury Park, East Watford and part of National Cycle Route 6. It will help to connect schools, workplaces, shopping and leisure facilities, railway stations and the town’s beauty spots.

Watford Observer: Around 60 pupils at the Watford primary school got to experience the 'ride'Around 60 pupils at the Watford primary school got to experience the 'ride' (Image: Watford Borough Council)

These enhancements – along the route connecting 6.7 miles of green space and heritage assets in the town - will include proposed new stretches of cycleway, widening and resurfacing existing cycleways and footways, improvements to cycle crossing facilities at key junctions and adding markings on roads and cycleway signage.

Simon Mabey, Founder of Digital Urban, said: "Our goal is to offer a fun and free experience that harnesses the latest VR technology, empowering residents to make a meaningful impact on the future of their town – where they live, work, and play. This experience is an exciting way for individuals of all ages to visualise and experience potential enhancements to Watford's cycling routes in the future.”

Cllr Ian Stotesbury, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Sustainability: “With over 250 participants at the events, we saw firsthand the enthusiasm our community has for the Green Loop. The VR consultation was a game-changer, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds to actively shape Watford's future.”

The computer-generated final video showcasing the Green Loop's future can be watched at youtube.com/@WatfordBoroughCouncil . It is compatible with most devices.