Hello everyone! My name’s Pops and this is my second appearance in the rescue pet spot as I’m now the National Animal Welfare Trust’s longest-staying dog and am still looking for that special someone to take me home. I’m a one-year-old Whippet cross who came to the rescue centre from the pound seven-and-a-half months ago.

I’m a sweet girl who really enjoys having lots of fuss and being around people. I can be a bit protective of my food so I’ll need my new family to be aware of this and not try to take it away from me. The team here can give advice on how to help me with this.

I can be quite barky when I see other dogs but that’s just because I want to play with them. I’ve made some friends here at the rescue centre and we love running around chasing each other.

Watford Observer: Pops

I can live with older children who’ll respect my space and understand I don't want them near my food. I’m not comfortable sharing my space so couldn't live with another dog or cat.

I’m a really playful girl and when I don’t get interaction with people I can get frustrated so I need an experienced owner who’ll spend time with me and help me learn social skills.

Watford Observer: Pops

When I’ve settled in, I could start to be left alone for small periods. This could be built up to a few hours, but I wouldn't want to be left for longer than that as I’d get lonely.

I can't wait to meet my new family and show them just how much love I have to give! If that could be you, email reception@nawt.org.uk or call 0208 950 0177 (option 2) so we can meet.