Hundreds of homes across Watford and Three Rivers are set to benefit from a £1.6 million insulation upgrade scheme.

Residents at 139 socially rented properties have already had external wall insulation installed after 57 Watford Community Housing sites got the work done.

The joint project between Watford Borough Council, WCH, Three Rivers District Council and Thrive Homes will make locals feel warmer while slashing energy consumption and bills.

The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) scheme, which was partly funded by a government grant that supported investment from housing associations, will also see improvements made at another 285 homes.

Councillor Ian Stotesbury, portfolio holder for sustainability and transport, said Watford Borough Council is “delighted” to deliver “impactful energy-saving improvements to a substantial number of local residences”.

“These upgrades have not only contributed significantly to reducing carbon emissions, supporting the district's journey towards net-zero, but they will also help residents heat their homes efficiently and help save bills and prevent other issues like damp and mould,” he added.

“Watford Council is fully committed to further support the decarbonisation of homes across the district."

Tina Barnard, Chief Executive of Watford Community Housing, said: "We are thrilled to have participated in this project, which has significantly improved the energy efficiency and comfort of our homes in Three Rivers and Watford.

“The installation of new insulation has helped to reduce residents' energy bills, create a healthier indoor environment, and contribute to our community's overall sustainability efforts.”

WBC is also partnering with national charity Better Housing Better Health, which provides impartial advice to help tackle food poverty. To make a referral, call 0800 107 0044.