A tea party to combat loneliness has taken place in Watford.

North Watford councillor Asif Khan hosted the celebratory gathering at Hollytree House as part of the national Great Winter Get Together.

Cllr Khan said: "The Great Winter Get Together is more than just a tea party - it's a celebration of our community's strength and togetherness.

"By coming together, we are not only sharing a cup of tea but also bridging gaps and building a more connected community.

"This event stands as a testament to our collective effort to combat loneliness and foster a spirit of unity.

"Let us continue to nurture these bonds and create a more inclusive and caring community."

About 50 people turned up, including councillor Matt Turmaine, councillor Dennis Watling, and Hertfordshire County Council chairman, councillor Terry Douris.

The event was inspired by the Jo Cox Foundation, aimed to bridge community gaps and tackle the issue of loneliness within communities.

Volunteers included Nirmala Singhvi, who made delicious pumpkin soup, Mrs Sharifa Choudhury who brought in homemade samosas, and Asma Suleman who brought in a cake and also helped with the event. Sandwiches and other delicacies were supplied by councillor Khan's wife.