Last week, following the spring budget, Watford's MP claimed that “we are on the right track”.

This, from our MP who led the campaign to make Liz Truss our Prime Minister and delivered a budget that blew mortgage rates for residents across the country and fuelled inflation.

Inflation is still outstripping most countries, we have some of the worst waiting lists the NHS has ever seen, it's hard to get a GP or dentist appointment, our social care system is in dire straits and we are still waiting for the funding to build our long-promised new hospital.

He's also missed the key point. While the Chancellor claims he's cutting taxes, the net impact of the budget is actually an increase to other taxes meaning that on average we are all £400 worse off.

Suffice to say I question his judgement. It doesn't have to be this way and it’s depressing that Labour are too scared to argue for the changes we need.

We can choose to change course and seize the moment as Britain has done countless times in the past.

By investing in social care, we can improve the lives of those in care and millions of carers across the country. By investing in emerging green technologies we can boost productivity, insulate homes and reduce fuel costs and position our economy for the future. By reforming business rates and introducing a real windfall tax on energy companies we can make investment the priority of business and invest in our infrastructure. By rejoining the single market we can restore trade and competitiveness.

We need a new government with real vision for change, and a local voice for Watford.

  • Ian Stotesbury is the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Watford