The first black chairwoman of Watford Borough Council has been announced, marking a historic moment in the town's history.

Cllr Dawn Allen-Williamson will now serve as chairwoman with Cllr Favour Ezeifedi announced as vice-chairwoman.

The appointments, announced on Tuesday, May 21, saw Cllr Allen-Williamson who is of Jamaican British descent and a long-standing member from the Callowland ward in North Watford, step into her new role.

Watford Observer: Councillor Dawn Allen-Williamson was sworn into her new role on Tuesday, May 21Councillor Dawn Allen-Williamson was sworn into her new role on Tuesday, May 21 (Image: Watford Borough Council)

She said: "I am honoured to serve as the chairwoman of Watford Borough Council, and to be the first black woman to hold this position.

"As I take on this role, I am proud to represent the voices and aspirations of all residents, regardless of background."

Cllr Allen-Williamson will dedicate her year in office to fundraising for her chosen charities, Ngorli C.I.C and Manna Foodbank, two organisations she has been involved with for many years.

Ngorli C.I.C aims to improve the educational experiences of children by providing supplementary tuition outside of school for youngsters from diverse backgrounds in the community.

Initiatives such as Saturday School and the Mentorship Programme are part of their outreach.

Manna Foodbank, managed by the Elim Church in St Albans Road, offers crucial food aid to individuals in the community suffering due to the cost-of-living crisis.

Watford Observer: Cllr Favour Ezeifedi was announced as the new vice-chairwomanCllr Favour Ezeifedi was announced as the new vice-chairwoman (Image: Watford Borough Council)

Cllr Ezeifedi, of Nigerian descent, added: "I am delighted to have been chosen to be vice-chairwoman of Watford Borough Council for the coming year.

"I look forward to undertaking the civic representation of the borough during the next 12 months and visiting as many local community organisations as I can."

Cllr Dawn Allen-Williamson will hold the role of chairwoman for one year with Cllr Ezeifedi being next year's chairwoman, as per convention.

Watford mayor Peter Taylor said: “It's fantastic that Dawn and Favour are stepping into these significant roles as the council's representatives.

"Their diverse backgrounds highlight the inclusive nature of the elected members at the council and town.

“They will become important representatives of our town and will visit the many and varied community organisations with which Watford is blessed."

To contact the new chairwoman for any fundraising event support, sponsors or volunteers are encouraged to contact her via