There is so much conflicting information out there on the best way to loose weight. We are bombared with junk email on weight loss pills, supplements etc – even huge sports nutrition companies are pumping out the energy drinks with a “burner” in it!!

Since when did Mother Nature provide us with such garbage? If we were designed to consume that stuff we would have weight loss pills growing on trees!! What we were provided with was whole “real” food that either grew from the earth, on trees and by animals we hunted. We didn’t spray our crops and trees with herbicides, fungicides and pesticides to produce bigger and more aesthetically pleasing food for us to buy on the market. It grew naturally. Eating fast foods, microwave meals and highly refined carbohydrates will not allow you to loose weight.

When people lose weight, they metabolise fat for energy if they are losing weight properly. Fat is where the body stores toxins that are potentially harmful to the nervous system, liver and body in general. These toxins produce chemicals which clog up our detoxification pathways. These detoxification pathways need quality nutrition which is best acquired from organic or a whole food diet.

A very common response in such people – the ones that loose weight with exercise specifically - is to over train in an attempt to sustain weight loss. This is a very dangerous idea because it then plays havoc on our hormones, energy levels, sleep patterns and then cravings for sugar and caffeine kick in as we get more tired. This sugar/caffeine cycle can open the door to a suppressed immune system. The result is a body that looks better in the mirror, yet is now more susceptible to disease and internal damage.

My advice for people looking to loose weight is to: Eat organic whenever possible. Remember, the structure and integrity of your body (including tendons, ligaments and bones) is depicted by what is put in your mouth. You are what you eat!!

Move daily, exercise at a gym, at home or take the dog for a walk.

Drink more water! Even if you think you are drinking enough.

Get to bed on time, I wrote a post on sleep called “Bright Light, Bright Light!” on my blog.

There are many more fantastic tools I use to facilitate weight loss that needs a thorough assessment. Feel free to contact me for more information about weight loss or go to my website at In Health, Tom