This was the prompt that we were set to write about last Saturday at the writing group.Quite a challenge? Applying just a smattering of imagination, the 5 of us crafted some great stories.We are even thinking of compiling a publication based upon our contrasting responses to writing prompts.

On the subject of writing prompts I have a great book that travels with me most everywhere.It's entitled 'The Writer's Idea Book' by Jack Heffron.

Yesterday our writing group 'Learning Through The Arts' had it's 5 year anniversary and a few of our past members came along to join in the celebration.We were privy to a recording of an inspiring speech given by the writer Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie,in which she shared with her audience the danger of what she termed 'the single story'.In other words there is a danger in giving or accepting one single and narrow view of a country or particular culture that has a much richer tapestry to offer.

At Holborn Speakers on Tuesday night I had the honour of being Toastmaster. It sounds very grand but it really just means that I was in charge of the proceedings of the evening,taking centre stage, introducing participants etc.

The club has a great mix of members.I don't want you to think that everyone there is business orientated -far from it.I go there simply because I love words!

Afterwards in the bar of the Rugby Tavern, having downed a few drinks I found myself offering to give a humourous speech at the new offshot club called Bloomsbury Speakers this Monday night.What's wrong with that you might ask?

Well humourous speaking is not my forte exactly unless I am relaxing with friends discussing everyday stuff. Oh well feel the fear and do it anyway, isn't that the saying. Now what topic shall I choose to talk about?

From the commuting perspective there is not for me much to report thankfully except a 12 minute delay at Willesden Junction due to a delayed finish of engineering works.Still that gave me ample opportunity to take in yet again the unforgettable urban vista that Willesden Junction affords, including that humongous scrap heap! Now there's a writing prompt for you....