Three Valleys Water is advising its customers to be extra vigilant of bogus water servicemen in the area after a number of complaints from unsuspecting householders.

Bogus callers can give a variety of reasons for wanting to gain access to a customer's property, such as the need to turn off the water supply and water quality testing.

The police have been informed about the incidents and Three Valleys Water would like to remind customers that they should be absolutely sure the people who call on them are genuine before opening the door.

Three Valleys has devised a few practical steps to help people protect themselves and their property. For example, think before you open the door to a stranger, buy a security chain with a keyhole and use them and ask the caller for ID and check it carefully.

Scrutinise the uniform and vehicle. Three Valleys staff wear uniforms with the company's logo on. If the caller doesn't have an appointment call Three Valleys on 08457 823333 to confirm their identity genuine callers won't mind.

October 1, 2002 10:00