IF Death Cap, Lawyer's Wig and Fairy Clubs don't mean a thing to you, you can learn about weird and wonderful fungi at a one day training workshop.

The session, next Wednesday, is being run run by Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and the Herts Biological Records Centre.

Participants will delve into the mystery of mushrooms and toadstools and learn how to identify different species.

Fungi not only appear on living trees as parasites, they also appear on dead and decaying matter.

There are several hundred wood-living fungi in Britain. Some need wet or soggy conditions while others prefer the relative dryness of living trees.

Petrina Allen, wildlife project officer, said: "People with fungi-spotting skills can help us keep track of their diversity by sending records of sightings of the rarer species into the Herts Biological Records Centre."

The course is at Bayfordbury Field Centre, Hertford, from 9.30am to 4.30pm and costs £20. For details call Ms Allen on 01727 858901.

October 1, 2002 18:30