A SQUABBLE has broken out over the composition of official Hertfordshire County Council press releases.

Labour councillors have accused their Conservative counterparts of politicising "non-controversial issues" such as road safety and animals at Aldenham Country Park.

Councillor Brian York claimed the Tory-run council is turning the county into a "one party state" which "hi-jacks" previously agreed policies for their own short-term political gain.

He said: "This is something that we are very annoyed about.

"Conservative councillors are now being quoted on non-controversial council press releases, whereas previously these would have been free of political comment."

His views are echoed by the Liberal Democrats. Councillor Ivor Ambrose said: "We have complained about this for some time.

"We agree in principal with the Labour group as there is far too much comment from Conservative councillors on certain press releases."

But Conservative leader Councillor Robert Ellis has dismissed the accusations as a "waste of time."

He said: "When Tony Blair issues a press release, he doesn't include comment from Iain Duncan Smith and we are doing the same.

"As the party in power, we issue the press releases, but we always include the names and phone numbers of opposition councillors who can be contacted for a comment."

August 23, 2002 14:00