POLICE are investigating a burglary which took place in Currys Superstore, Century Park, Watford, in the early hours of Wednesday, August 21.

A police spokesman said the burglary happened at about 1.32pm, after two men cut open a hole in the roof of the store.

One man entered the store's warehouse, and stole a digital JVC video camera worth £500, a JVC video camera worth £550, and another worth £900. He was distracted when the store's alarm triggered off.

The spokesman said: "The men have caused £1,000 of damage to the store's roof and wire caging. Only one offender went into the store, he is described as white, dressed in black, and wearing a bush hat. Police are also checking the store's CCTV, as of yet, no one has been arrested.'

Anyone with information can telephone the Western Area Crime Desk on 01442 271004.

August 23, 2002 14:30