A FORUM to promote food safety in chinese restaurants has been launched by Hertsmere Borough Council.

The inaugural meeting took place last week and was attended by more than 40 restaurant workers.

Following recent scares surrounding potentially cancerous Sudan 1 food dye in products across the country, the forum members were given warnings about the dangers and took part in sessions of food preparation.

The meeting was delivered almost entirely in Cantonese by Hertsmere officials.

Assistant chief environmental health officer, Chris Gascoine attended the event, held at the council's offices in Borehamwood.

He said: "We have 650 food businesses in the borough and Chinese restaurants are the largest single identifiable group.

"As well as carrying out regular inspections of food business premises we have a responsibility to educate, inform, advise and promote good standards in food and safety."

Members were provided with a comprehensive bilingual training pack advising them on food safety.

Plans are in the melting pot for another seminar and Hertsmere's environmental health officers will be carrying out tailored training for staff in a number of Chinese food premises.