SEVERAL secondary schools in the district are putting the boot in to support England and changing their timetables to let pupils watch the World Cup.

For Sven's men's challenge against Nigeria on Wednesday, June 12, secondary schools Nicholas Breakspear, Marlborough, and Verulam in St Albans and St George's in Harpenden all installed a large screen television for the pupils to watch the match at 7.30am.

Headteacher of Nicholas Breakspear School Jeremy White said: "The World Cup only happens once every four years and sometimes not even that so we may as well make the most of it."

Some schools charged £1 admission to pupils wanting to come in early and watch the match.

Marlborough raised £400 to put towards its specialist school fund and St George's raised £245 for the charity Sportaid.

Verulam School rearranged its bus timetable to pick pupils up earlier and get them to school before the kick-off and cancelled the first lesson of the day for those who could not make it in.

Each of the schools said they may rearrange their timetable for future matches such as England v Brazil on Friday, June 21.

Headteacher of Marlborough Patrick Harty said: "The atmosphere on Wednesday was wonderful and, who knows, we may be able to show another match in the future and raise even more money."

A leading headteacher has said that following the progress of England in the World Cup can be good for pupils who are revising.

General secretary of the Secondary Heads Association John Dunford said: "It's good for pupils taking exams to have something else to think about for some of the time and help them to relax.

"There is time for both revision and football but pupils have to get things into perspective and realise that exams are more important

"Those who need to revise are still going to have to revise."

June 19, 2002 15:00