When it comes to building web sites, Dave .J. Brook, born in St Albans, must be one of the most resourceful. The most extensive of his sites is probably TRUTH-UK, dealing with the paranormal.

According to Brook's biography that is published at his home page http://www.djbrook.dial.pipex.com/ he was born in St Albans City hospital in 1980. He is now studying his BA degree in acting at East15 Acting School. His home page tells us, in third person, that at birth his surname was Alyan, but he changed it when he was only eight years old.

TRUTH-UK is pretty easy to navigate about, with big, blobby links on the left of the screen. On some of them, the text is not completely legible because they it is chopped off at one side. But what the heck, as long as they work...

The second link from the top is where the trouble starts. The "News" link takes you to UFO News Services, from where several links are dead. What exactly the sense is of UFO News Services, I could not determine.

The "UFO" link provides a gallery promising UFO pictures. "Here at TRUTHUK we are putting together a massive collection of UFO picture", it says. When you click on the link, there are three pictures of alleged spacecraft.

Conveniently, Brook provides you with a form where you can detail your siting(s).

There are also links to a collection of web cams that monitor places frequented by aliens and other creatures. My machine froze when I tried to access some of them, but maybe you have more luck.

Under "Aliens" you will find a drawing of a "Reptilian" (who looks a bit like a withering godzilla), and also three pictures of alleged alien autopsies.

Other links, like "Cases" and "Bizarre", will provide you with photos and anecdotes of ghosts, as well as several links to unpopulated pages.

You can download an IRC program to take part in the site's chat.

The copy is full of spelling mistakes, and it is not always certain what is meant or what one is supposed to do. At best, TRUTH-UK is a good example of modern superstition. There are thousands of sites like this one.

TRUTH-UK's URL is http://zap.to/TRUTH-UK

June 18, 2002 16:00