SPEED cameras are a warning not a trap, according to Hertfordshire police.

The statement follows national controversy last week about the colouring and placing of monitors on roads.

Under new Government guidelines introduced this week, cameras must be brightly coloured and clearly visible from 60 metres.

The constabulary denies strategically positioning camouflaged cameras in speeding hot spots, insisting district and town councils are responsible for such decisions.

Deputy Head of Road Policing Brian Wingate said: "The colour and placement of the cameras is decided on by the local planning authorities.

"No cameras in Hertfordshire are deliberately hidden. We would prefer that motorists know where they are sited and that each camera is preceded by a warning sign."

The cameras, costing £35,000 each, are funded by Hertfordshire County Council's road safety unit, which also identifies hazardous areas suitable for speed control measures.

If the unit fails to comply with the new guidelines, revenue raised from speeding fines will go to the central Government's treasury.

However, the money will be reinvested towards purchasing and implementing further speeding deterrents in the county, if it fulfils the new requirements.

A county council spokesman said: "The police are responsible for operating the cameras and catching and fining people.

"Speed cameras are one of the options we use on roads notorious for accidents, along with traffic calming measures.

"We provide the cameras and the police administer them."

Other road safety measures the council takes include speed humps, chicaines and warning signs.

Temporary Chief Inspector Wingate added: "The main role of the cameras is to encourage speed reduction.

"Ensuring that the cameras are highly visible is part of this role - we want as many motorists as possible to see the cameras and to slow down accordingly.

"All our policies and policing activity in relation to speeding and safety cameras aim to reduce casualties and collisions.

"Our main message to motorists in Hertfordshire is that speed kills - slow down before you kill someone."

December 13, 2001 17:30