Around 65 people from organisations linked to the Hertsmere Crossroads project saw in the festive season with a party on Friday.

Musicians from Aldenham School sang Christmas carols, and there was a stage show put together by the Good Companion Group, including 86-year-old Jack Chilcot.

"We had an American Indian theme, so we had a teepee and a fire, and we all had to dress up. We are all basically disabled in one way or another, and we're getting on in age, but we did our best," he said.

The party, held at The Poplars in Grove Road, was organised by Hertsmere Crossroads, an organisation set up to ease the burden on people who care for an ill or disabled relative or friend.

Crossroads' carers' liaison officer, Joy Chambers, said the party had been held every year since 1993, and was becoming more popular.

"The Carers Group, the Moving On Group and the Befrienders Group from Aldenham School all met up and had a get-together. It gave them a chance to catch up with old friends they may not have seen for a while," she said.

December 12, 2001 12:36