The number of deliberate false fire alarms in Hertfordshire in 2000 increased by 13 per cent a new report has revealed.

Fire services nationwide attended almost one million call-outs with the total number of false alarms falling by eight per cent from the previous year.

The figures collated show the number of people dying from fire in Hertfordshire increasing to nine last year from six in 1999.

Steve Seaber, Chief Fire Officer of Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue, said: "Last December alone, three people lost their lives and a campaign was immediately launched to inform people about fire safety messages.

"Throughout the year we run campaigns to warn people about potential hazards in the home.

"We will always reiterate how important it is to have a smoke detector fitted and keep it regularly maintained."

He added: "This winter will be no exception and we will try to give people all the information they need to keep them safe from harm."

October 30, 2001 17:35