Abbots Langley Gilbert and Sullivan Society
Brenda Southorn: 01923 677139
Founded in 1951 this group has its annual show in February. Rehearses at the Abbots Langley Methodist Hall on Mondays and St. Lawrence Church on Fridays.

Abbots Langley Players
Gloria Keaveny: 01923 267595
Founded more than 30 years ago this group performs two plays a year, enters festivals and takes part in workshops. Rehearses in a barn in Abbots Langley.

Breakaway Theatre Company
Richard Smith, administrator: 01442 236932
Founded in 1985 this company roduces "innovative amateur drama". It usually performs two or three productions a year and is based in St Albans.








Cassio OS
Nikki Scott: 01923 662969
This group was founded in 1949 and performs one musical a year at the Watford Palace Theatre.
Rehearses at the Watford Town and Country Club.

The Centralian Players
Telephone: 01923 233720
Formed in the 1950s this drama group performs about three productions a year. Rehearses at St James Road Baptist Church Hall, Brightwell Road, Watford, WD18 0SH.

Chipperfield Theatre Group
Jill and Adrian Somerfield: 01442 380504
Performs all types of theatre. Three productions a year are the norm with one youth production. Rehearsals mainly at Chipperfield Village Hall.

Company of Ten
Roy Bacon: 01727 850080
Tony Sidoli: 01727 832281
A group started from just ten members in 1934. It performs about ten drama productions a year. Rehearses at the Abbey Theatre, Holywell Hill, St Albans.

Dramatix Theatre Company
Laurie Asher: 020 8421 5450
Founded this year, this group performs two musicals a year. Rehearses at Chorleywood Drill in the grounds of Chorleywood House.

Elstree and Borehamwood Light Operatic Society
John Mileham: 020 8564 7700
Founded in 1961, this group performs two musicals/operettas a year. Rehearses at Fairway Hall, Brook Close, Borehamwood.

Harpenden Light Operatic Society
Brian Woods: 01582 761528
Founded in 1950 and performs about two musicals or operettas a year. Rehearses at St Johns Church Hall, St John's Road, Harpenden.

Harrow Light Opera Company
Chris Brookes, membership secretary: 01923 680357
Founded in 1944 this group performs two musicals a year at Watersmeet Theatre in Rickmansworth. Rehearses on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm to 10pm at Harrow Arts Centre in Hatch End.

Hemel Hempstead Amateur Dramatic Society
Publicity manager: 01442 863864 or 07879 427838
Founded in 1925, this group performs three plays and two musicals a year. Rehearses at its own premises St Johns Hall, St John's Road, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead.

Horseshoe Music and Drama Society
Nick Photi, chairman: 01923 447786
Founded in 1976, this group performs one musical and one play a year. Rehearses every Tuesday night at All Saints church hall, Horseshoe Lane, Garston.

Kenton Light Operatic Society
Gillian Gilbert, membership secretary: 020 8904 1059
This group was founded more than 20 years ago. Performs two musicals a year. Rehearses at Harrow Arts Centre, Uxbridge Road, Hatch End.

Pinner and Hatch End Operatic Society
Sheila Moore: 020 88683057
Founded in 1923, this group performs one main production and a concert every year.

Pump House Theatre Company
John Vincent: 01923 241362
Founded in 1972, this group performs about four plays a year as well as at the South West Herts Drama Festival of one act plays. Rehearses at The Pump House in Local Board Road, Watford.

Pump House Children and Youth Theatre
Lynn Morris: 01923 467383
Founded 23 years ago, this group performs four plays a year. Rehearses Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings at The Pump House in Local Board Road, Watford.

Radlett Light Operatic Society
Telephone: 01923 856935
Founded in 1972, this society performs two musicals a year. Rehearses at St John's Church Hall, Gills Hill Lane, Radlett.

Radlett Players
Joanne Emery: 01727 837446
Founded in 1959, this group performs two plays and an old time music hall each year. Rehearses at a number of venues.

Redbourn Players
Secretary: 01582 792783
This 31-year-old group performs two productions a year. Rehearses at The Studio, Lamb Lane, Redbourn.

Revue Variety Company
Mrs Perman: 01923 265310
Founded in 1956, this company performs two variety shows a year. Rehearses at All Saints church hall, Kings Langley.

Rickmansworth Players
Jackie Beattie, Secretary – 01923 284897
Founded during the Second World War, this group performs one play and one musical a year. Rehearses at the St Johns Ambulance Hall, Berry Lane, Mill End.

St Albans Operatic Society
Hilary Chapman, secretary: 01727 730602
Founded about 50 years ago, this group performs two productions a year. Rehearses at St Johns Fisher School, Hazelwood Road, St Albans.

St James' Music and Drama Society
Barry Fitch, chairman: 020 8950684
Founded more than 40 years ago, this society performs two productions a year, as well as various festivals. Rehearses at Falconer Hall, 21 Merry Hill Road, Bushey.

St Peter's Players Bushey Heath
Julie Pink: 020 89505325
Founded about 30 years ago this group performs about three productions a year, ranging from musicals, plays and pantos. Rehearses at St Peter's Parish hall, High Road, Bushey Heath.

St Peter's Players Watford
Ken Taylor: 01923 222710
Founded about 26 years ago, this group holds two productions a year. Rehearses at St Peter's Church Hall, Westfield Avenue, Watford.

Three Rivers Theatre Company
Russel Davies: 01923 771542
Founded in 1996 the group plans to hold four productions a year. Rehearses every Tuesday night at Watersmeet Theatre in Rickmansworth.

Village Moonlighters
Amanda Bate: 01923 553240
Newly-founded, this group performs a pantomime a year. Rehearses at Scout hut in Upper Highway, Abbots Langley.

Watford Operatic Society
Mrs V Farman: 01923 466879
Probably one of the oldest operatic societies around as it was founded in 1922. Performs one major musical a year at Watford Palace Theatre, rehearses at the Balmoral Centre, Clive Way, Watford.

Wheathampstead Dramatic Society
Secretary: 01582 762732
A group founded 50 years ago, it performs three productions a year and rehearses at private premises.