Abbots Langley Flower Arrangement Society
Sylvia: 01923 262678
Monthly meetings and demonstrations in Henderson Hall, Abbots Langley. Membership is £11, visitors £12.

Abbots Langley Gardening Society
Janes Lay: 01923 447281
Meets six times a year at The Manor House Sports and Social Club, Abbots Langley. Own shop and autumn show.

Chipperfield Horticultural Society
Kathy Ward: 01923 496301
Three shows a year, in spring, summer and autumn, held in Chipperfield Hall. Runs own shop.

Chorleywood and District Horticultural Society
Harvey Albert, show secretary: 01923 283643
Holds three large flower and housecraft shows a year at Memorial Hall, Chorleywood. More than 600 member households enjoy specially arranged good value garden visits, discounts at certain horticultural retailers.