The clouds may be gathering outside, but inside the Playskill summer party, the sun was shining on golden sand and azure sea.

The charity, started by a Chipperfield physiotherapist, helps families of children with physical disabilities, and held its annual beach party today.

As well as sand-pits and paddling pools, the children could take part in painting and navigate an obstacle course.

Playskill, which is based at the Lemarie Centre in St Albans Road , runs groups for children aged one and over, and parents' training, outings and events.

It caters for disabilities ranging from development delay and cerebral palsy, to down's syndrome and Spina Bifida.

Every year the children, their parents and staff celebrate with a Hawaiian themed beach party at the Soul Survivor building in Greycaine Road.

Andrea Clarke, a paediatric physiotherapist from Tower Hill in Chipperfield, set up the charity five years ago.

She said: "I wanted to help parents and provide something in addition to what is available through the statutory services.

"We have this annual beach event in the summer to provide play which the kids could not access at home.

"It has been a really special time at Playskill. It has been really moving as we have got near the end of term seeing all the progress in the groups. "It never ceases to move and inspire me as children’s skills are assessed from the beginning to the end of term."